苏州防火棉16 CFR Part 1633阻燃检测
价格:¥150.00 元/件 起
16 CFR Part 1633(内容)
在电脑上面观察,1:在前30min以内没有在任何一个时间段热量释放率(The peakrate of heatrelease)**过200KW,2:在前10min内总释放热量(TheTotal heat release)不**过15MJ;如果达到这两点要求则视此样品通过标准要求,否则为不通过。
CFRTitle 16 Part 1633–Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets, March 15, 2006 (Effective compliance date July 1, 2007) (Revised as of January 1, 2010) |
Test Category Requested: Qualified Prototype (3 mattress sets) |
As defined by CFR Title 16 Part 1633, a“mattressset”can either be a mattress without a foundation or a mattress with a foundation. The sale of mattresses tested without foundations might be limited to that configuration. |
Test Item Submitted: Mattress without Foundation |
Greater than59ºF Less than 80.6ºF |
Relative Humidity: Timelag between conditioning room & test start: Procedure: |
Thesample was conditioned before testing for at least 48 hours at greater than65ºFand less than 77ºFand a relative humidity less than 55%. |
The mattress was placed on a metal test frame inside a test room having dimensions of10’X12’with and8’high ceiling. The mattress and frame were located on the wall opposite the doorway. The room is configured in accordance with Test Room Layout Option B as specified in 16 CFR 1633. |
The ignition source was the NIST Dual Burner System constructed of stainless steel tubing in accordance with the Section 6 Ignition Source and Figure 7. The fuel used was commercial propane delivered at a rate of 12.9 l/minto the top burner for a total time of 70 seconds and a rate of 6.6 l/min to the side burner for a total time of 50 seconds. |
After ignition of the burner, we monitored recorded certain properties of the test procedure. These properties are |
Heat Release Rate, Total Heat and ceiling temperature directly over the specimen at4”below the ceiling